音标:[grim] ; 柯林斯词典等级:2 级;
a. 冷酷的, 坚强的, 残忍的, 可怕的, 讨厌的
s. not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty
词型变化:形容词比较级 : grimmer ; 形容词最高级 : grimmest



  1. Her face wore a grim, set look.她脸上显出严厉、 木然的神情。
  2. His expression was grim when he told them they had lost their job.当他告诉他们说他们已被解雇时,他的表情十分冷酷。
  3. A grim and unsightly picture met his eye.一幅可怕和难看的情景映入他的眼帘。
  4. I had a pretty grim day yesterday.我昨天很不愉快。


用作定语~+ n.
  1. I've had a grim day.我过了不愉快的一天。
  2. What a grim book, all about war and death!多么令人毛骨悚然的一本书,全都有关战争和死亡!
  1. His expression was grim when he told them they had lost their jobs.当他告诉他们说他们已被解雇时,他的表情十分冷酷。
  2. I feel pretty grim.我觉得有点儿不舒服。
  3. The music was grim.那音乐很难听。


like grim death
    坚定地,不懈地with great determination in spite of difficulties


用作形容词 (adj.)
  • grim face〔look〕严肃的面孔〔神情〕
  • grim smile狰狞的笑容
  • grim facts严酷的事实
  • grim news令人不快的消息
  • grim struggles残酷的斗争


  • Bony, and gaunt, and grim, Assembling wolves in raging troops descend.

    出自:J. Thomson
  • With a grim and ghastly stare.

  • Grimm'd by the horrors of the dreadful night.

    出自:J. Barlow

外号:舌尖齿龈含糊旁流音 第一部分:每日练嘴单词 1. World I want to travel around the word some day. The dinner was out of this world. 2. Solve I think that we can ~ this problem. 3. Scold dont ~ your children too often. 4. Cont

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